Peterborough Sailability “PS” wants to encourage a safe, pleasant, and efficient sailing experience. This can only happen when everyone cooperates and commits to appropriate standards. The following is a list of rules and regulations that Peterborough Sailability considers appropriate.
· Bookings must be made in advance to guarantee a sail.
· For PS to run an efficient experience Individuals or Groups must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to allocated booking time. Failure to arrive on time may result in a shorter sailing experience.
· PS must be advised of booking cancelations in advance of the booking time. Bookings can be cancelled by phone, text, email, online booking contact or in person.
· Should an Individual or Group fail to advise cancelation for 4 consecutive bookings, PS will cancel all future bookings for the Individual or Group.
Children & Vulnerable Adults
Peterborough Sailability is a sailing club, not a care organisation. Therefore, if a client requires a personal carer, that carer should be available at all times (see Carer’s Responsibilities). There are a number of activities which take place when opportunities exist for children/vulnerable adults to be subject to abuse. By providing proper supervision or avoiding one-on-one situations, these risks are minimised. Read the following in conjunction with RYA Protection Policy for Children & Vulnerable Adults, the main risk areas are as follows;
- Fitting a Sling / Operating a Hoist. Refer to SOP 08
Sailor’s carer is responsible for (a) the correct fitting of a sling and (b) operating the electric hoist. Sailability Helpers will assist with these actions if requested, but only under instructions from the carers.
- Transferring sailor into / out of boats
Physical contact is often inevitable when transferring clients into and out of boats. The key to avoiding allegations of abuse is to avoid a one-on-one situation without witnesses, and to ask permission from the sailor or carer before any physical contact takes place.
- Sailing
When taking a sailor out in a boat, a one-on-one situation is unavoidable. (PS) Buddies & Helpers must protect themselves by (a) pointing out that physical contact is going to take place and (b) getting approval from the sailor or carer before launching the boat. (c) Buddies must also avoid regularly sailing with the same sailor – which could lead to allegations of “grooming”.
- Reporting Procedure
If any (PS) Helper is subject to abuse or witnesses inappropriate behaviour, this must be reported to the Principal or Senior Instructor for investigation and resolution.
Risk Assessments; General
Peterborough Sailability has risk assessments to cover all aspects of risks that may be encountered by helpers, sailors, carer’s and any visitors to our sailing days, and all PS helpers are to make themselves aware of the information in the risk assessments which cover the following;
- Access to site to the site for people with disabilities
- Use of tow vehicle & safety boat
- Manual lifting of clients
- Use of sailing boats, boom injuries
- General circulation, hazards & obstacles
- Effects of heat and cold etc.
- Aggressive clients
- Risks Ashore and Afloat
- Fire
- Use of Hoists
Disability Awareness Training
All PS Helpers are to attend the RYA Sailability Disability Awareness Training Course.
Equality & Diversity Statement
Peterborough Sailability is committed to the ethos of the Equality Act, to safeguard the dignity and well being of everyone and encourages practices that take into account the rights of the individual to be treated with dignity and respect. It recognises that discrimination, harassment and victimisation may be experienced by all in a number of ways, including day-to-day interaction with colleagues, peers, carers etc. PS will not tolerate any form of discrimination which it recognises as unacceptable, discriminatory and unlawful, and is proactive in ensuring that people are treated fairly.
Data Protection Statement
Any personal information that you give to Peterborough Sailability will be processed in accordance with the (GDPR) General Data Protection Regulations (EU) 2016/679. The information will be used for administrative purposes and to create a computer and / or manual record. The information will be kept securely and will not be disclosed to a third party.
Sailing; General
Our Senior Sailing Instructors will take PS helpers through the RYA Level 2 syllabus, adapted as necessary for individual members, their previous experience, the different types of sailing boats etc. Who can progress having been assessed and certified by the SI as competent to go solo sailing and then to progress to being a sailing buddy taking sailors out sailing.
- All sailing ‘buddies’ will be RYA-qualified (Dinghy RYA level 2 or above) and under the supervision of a Senior Instructor, and will not helm boats unless proof of competence is provided to the satisfaction of the SI for that type of boat.
- Personal Flotation device (PFD) and suitable clothing must be worn at all times on the water, slipways and pontoons.
- All buddies / solo sailors will carry a radio while on the water.
Certificate of Achievement
PS operates the RYA Sailability ‘Certificate of achievement Sailing Logbook’ which records the sailors achievements regardless of ability, and is signed off by the buddy or sailing instructor, the scheme is divided into five levels; entry, bronze, silver, gold and platinum. For more information on the scheme a copy of the logbook is available in the booking-in office or see www.rya.org.uk/sailability
Personal Protective Equipment
Suitable protective clothing is provided depending on the role of the Helper i.e. fisherman’s style waders, buoyancy aid (PDF), anoraks etc.
Tow Vehicle ~ See PTM 08
We use a tow vehicle to launch and recover the boats. Training is given to all tow vehicle drivers, who must hold a full driving licence.
Safety Boat ~ See SOP 06 & PTM 09
We operate a safety boat during all sailing sessions. Before any boats are allowed on the water, the safety boat must be launched and engine tested, with a trained safety boat driver and first aider available at all times.
Shore Master ~ See SOP 07
The Shore Master’s principal role is to control all aspects of sailing and site movements.
Welcome to Peterborough Sailability!
You will be involved with the launch and recovery of our boats here on Gunwade Lake. We have qualified Buddies who take disabled people out sailing.
- Our Shore-master controls the launch and recovery of boats by radio; each boat has a unique number and goes out sailing for approximately 30 minutes
- Buoyancy Aids must be worn at all times during the launch and recovery of boats. In addition we have a selection of Waders for your use.
- Our Sailors are embarked onto the boat onshore and then a minimum of two persons guide the boat down the slipway onto the water.
- It is the Carer’s responsibility to embark and disembark the Sailor. We can assist where appropriate.
- Be aware of the sudden movement of the boom on the boats particularly in windy conditions.
- When a boat is called in a minimum of two persons receive the boat. In windy conditions care must be taken when receiving boats.
- The Quad bike is used to pull the boats up the slipway. Before the Quad bike reverses up the slipway a Banksman needs to be standing at the top of the slipway to ensure nobody walks behind the Quad bike.
- In the unlikely event of a fire we have Fire Wardens. Our Evacuation Assembly Point is outside the main gate on the left. All boats on the water will be directed to come ashore in front of the main Water-sports Centre. The Safety Boat will also be launched to instruct and support people in the boats.
- We have a team of trained First Aiders. The relevant names are displayed in the Sailing office.
- Do not attempt any task that you do not feel confident about. If you observe anything that causes you concern, don’t hesitate to mention it to the Shore-master.
Thank you for coming along to help us.
Health & Safety Officer
For Peterborough Sailability
This copyright information compiled by Peterborough Sailability ©
SOP 02 Manual for Helpers Version 05 dated 23 Mar 2023