SOP 08 Hoists shore and pontoon


Operating a Hoist / Fitting a Sling

  • The Client / Sailor’s carer is responsible for (a) the correct fitting of a suitable sling and (b) operating the electric hoist. PS Helpers will only assist with these actions if requested, but only under instructions from the carer / sailor.
  • Check the safe working load of the hoist, to ensure is suitable for the sailor
  • Check the condition of the sling and its label, to ensure its actual safe working load (SWL) is not being exceeded, if the slings, loops or straps are frayed or clips damaged they should not be used and returned to the sailing control office for replacement
  • Be familiar and trained in the operation of the hoist & sling, and if required ask the sailing control office to see the manufacturers full operating instructions
  • The shore based hoists are serviced and maintained by a approved service engineer in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations


 Preparation of Hoist & Sling

  • PS Helpers are only to assist the carer with the use of Hoists, and then only under instructions from the carers.
  • At the beginning of a sailing day move hoists & slings from store to outside onto the tarmac apron, first checking that the brakes on the chassis rear castors are unlocked, and having fitted a fully charged battery
  • Visually inspect the hoist & slings for any obvious damage, raise and lower the jib, open and close the chassis legs, operate powered spreader bar and check the power and stop buttons, report any defects or concerns to the sailing control office
  • The hoist are not designed to get wet, so avoid moving them through water and in the event of rain return hoist and slings to the store or ensure fully covered

Shore Based Electric Hoists ~ Battery Charging

The hoist has a battery charge indicator feature.  The batteries are to be recharged on a regular basis before they reach a low state of charge.  The hoist will emit an audible bleep when batteries are close to being empty.  Check the state of the batteries at the beginning of each sailing day ~ changing for a fully charged set as necessary and putting the discharged battery on charge.  Repeat the process at the end of the day, not leaving a discharged battery on the hoist.

Important; at all times consider the sailors;



Operating a Pontoon Hoist / Fitting a Sling

The Client / Sailor’s carer is responsible for the correct fitting of a suitable sling.  PS helpers are responsible for operating the pontoon based hoist.

  • Check the safe working load of the hoist, to ensure is suitable for the sailor
  • PS helpers to encourage carers to bring the sailors own sling where possible. Check the condition of the sling and its label, to ensure its actual safe working load (SWL) is not being exceeded, if the slings, loops or straps/clips are frayed or damaged they should not be used and returned to the sailing control office for replacement
  • Be familiar and trained in the operation of the pontoon hoist & sling, and if required ask the sailing control office to see the manufacturers full operating instructions


Preparation of Hoist & Sling


  • Only PS helpers trained in the use of the pontoon hoist are to assist the carer, and then only under instructions from the carers.
  • At the beginning of a sailing day move pontoon hoist from the container and erect on the hoist base fixed to the side of the pontoon.
  • Visually inspect the hoist, fall arrestor & sling for any obvious damage, raise and lower the jib, report any defects or concerns to the sailing control office.

Using the Pontoon Hoist


  • Advise the carer / sailor that the electric controls on wheelchairs and mobility scooters are to be disabled whilst on the pontoon. Where possible the sailor shall be transferred on shore into a manual wheelchair by the Carer.
  • Sailability helpers are not to operate or move an electric wheelchairs, this is only to be carried out by the carer or sailor
  • Whilst as stated previously, the Sailor’s carer is responsible for the correct fitting of a sling. Only PS helpers who have been trained to use the pontoon based hoist may operate it.  The carer is to assist in guiding the sailor into the boat.  (PS helper to ensure the boat is correctly positioned in relation to the hoist)
  • The sling to be fitted under the sailor by the carer ‘off the pontoon’. Sling position on wheelchair generally; 1/3 on seat and 2/3 up back, short sling straps for shoulders, long sling straps for legs
  • Ask carer / sailor how much assistance is required, do-not touch the sailor without asking first. Position the wheelchair with the top of the hoist in-line with the sailors lap, and apply the wheelchair brakes
  • Check the hoist line and safety strap are not twisted and lower the hoist hook, ensuring the hook is always held – it hurts if accidently hits someone
  • Before moving the hoist over the boat, first check that the boat is correctly positioned to lower the sailor into the seat and that the boat is securely tied at both stern and bow to the pontoon, ensuring that the gunwale adjacent to the boat seat is tight against the pontoon fenders

Using the Pontoon Hoist


  • Operate winch to take up slack, supporting sailor and remove wheelchair, slowly move hoist over the boat and lower sailor into seat, keeping an eye on the sailor’s arms and legs, assisting sailor into comfortable position in the boat, release sling from hoist
  • After releasing sling from hoist, take up slack and safely secure hook to hoist before swinging hoist away from the boat.
  • When lowering into an Access dinghy ensure the joystick is removed and the boom is held clear, reefing main sail where necessary, do not allow the sails to ‘flog’ against the hoist
  • Essential that carer (in Lugger) and PS helper (on pontoon) keep communicating with each other.

Important; at all times consider the sailors;



This copyright information compiled by Peterborough Sailability ©

SOP 08 Hoists Version 04 dated 21 March 2023